Posted by David Farrell

Innocent Landscapes Revisited, Wilkinstown, February, 2010 

Innocent Landscapes Revisited, Wilkinstown, February, 2010 

Expecting stasis I reluctantly headed off to Wilkinstown last weekend under the grey light that enveloped us on Sunday. The protagonists have returned, the fourth act is under way, and with a renewed energy they have worked their way through a corner of this new section. The soil here at times is different with large sections having a thin covering of bog and possibly because this doesn’t match with information they may have, they seem to have moved quickly through it. In another part the small clumps of trees that dotted this field have been levelled in preparation like two pages from a diary.The potential pyre is still present and in the soft light it now truly haunts the center of the recently returned field an justifies my rejection of the blue sky last week.

Innocent Landscapes Revisited, Wilkinstown, February, 2010 

Innocent Landscapes Revisited, Wilkinstown, February, 2010 

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