An Unkindness of Ravens
 Claire Maxfield

Source - Issue 102 - Autumn - 2020 - Click for Contents

Issue 102 Autumn 2020
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Read companion article by Jennifer Good ▸

january and the birthday, stumbling from one
celebration to another, season to season 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

two dead cows, everything is
broken, we move again 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

he’s doing this to make me a better person 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

i don’t even wonder why people don’t notice anymore 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

waiting for doctor green 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

a termination, a concussion 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

i admire the wallpaper as I apply concealer 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

cider, more cider and bleach 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield

please let me sleep 
  An Unkindness of Ravens by Claire Maxfield