Listening to the Landscape
 Errol Forbes

Source - Issue 14 - Spring - 1998 - Click for Contents

Issue 14 Spring 1998
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These photographs comprise a journey through the mountain landscape of lreland. A discipline which demands close observation and a sympathy with the subject. All of the lrish mountains are easy to reach and explore yet remain largely unfrequented. Time spent exploring, absorbing and listening to the landscape will influence the photographer and result in a truer picture. We can record the beauty of the landscape, most importantly with our eyes and then with the camera.

Mourne Mountains, Co Down 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Derryveagh Mountains, Co Donegal 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Tievebaun, Connemara 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Macgillycuddy's Reeks, Co. Kerry 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Wicklow Mountains 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Errigal, Co. Donegal 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Mourne Mountains 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes

Maumlack, Co Donegal 
  Listening to the Landscape by Errol Forbes