Issue 18 — Spring 1999

Source - Issue 18 - Spring - 1999 - Click for Contents

Issue 18 — Spring  1999
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The commissioned essay in this issue, by Siún Hanrahan, examines the Royal Ulster Constabulary photographic archive. To accompany the article we are publishing a selection of photographs from this archive showing the scenes of crimes; a murder, an assault and an armed robbery. We are publishing the pictures in the belief that drawing attention to their existence, and to that of the archive, could contribute to process of being reconciled to the deeds they describe.

The subject of memory and atrocity is considered by John Taylor in his review of Simon Norfolk's book on genocide. He reaffirms the value of attempts to record crimes against humanity and examines the connection between history and photography.

Amanda Dunsmore's photographs were produced as part of the exhibition Captivating - Art From Prison which included work by Loyalist, Republican and 'Ordinary Decent Prisoners'. Originally each image acted as a 'signature portrait' shown beside an artwork produced by the prisoner.

The Source photographic commissions are Pádraig Murphy and Jim Vaughan. Both artists explore life in their local communities, respectively in Kerry and Galway. This work will be exhibited at the Old Museum Arts Centre in April. With this issue we are also carrying out a readership survey to determine what you the reader think about Source. This will run over two issues and we hope to have the results by September. Its success will be dependent on the response, so please complete your form and send it in.

— The Editors