Little Angels
 Reinhard Kühl

Source - Issue 20 - Autumn - 1999 - Click for Contents

Issue 20 Autumn 1999
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These photographs are of children's toys left on graves in a cemetry in Dublin. They represent a personal memorial for children that have died young or during pregnancy. The artist photographed the toys against a white background so they could be seen as suggestive of the children they memorialised. He did not wish to document a cultural tradition. This work was produced during a residency at the Irish Museum of Modern Art.

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl

  Little Angels by Reinhard Kühl