From Estoril to Firmount
 Martina Clawson

Source - Issue 27 - Summer - 2001 - Click for Contents

Issue 27 Summer 2001
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From Estoril to Firmount is an autobiographical assemblage of images centred around the family home. Both my Mother and Father are remarried with young children from these new relationships. I am interested in exploring their family lives. The raw material has come from foraging through their family albums and from my photographs and video footage. The edited work cuts between images of domestic interiors and the family. The camera tentatively negotiates and reveals the family. The work was on show at The Conway Mill, Conway Street, Belfast from 13th June - 22nd June 2001.

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson

  From Estoril to Firmount by Martina Clawson