Issue 42 — Spring 2005

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Issue 42 — Spring  2005
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The body has been a key area of debate in photography over the last twenty years. Jane Fletcher looks again at the photographic nude, still a favourite of photographic publishers but no longer a respected genre in the art gallery.

Last October the European Community launched a new series of photographic health warnings for cigarette packets. Individual member states will decide whether or not to implement them over the coming year. Edward Welch examines the effect these photographic warnings have had in Brazil and Canada where they have been in use since 2002 and the strategies the photographs employ to dissuade the public from smoking.

Elizabeth Edwards believes that the physicality of our interaction with photographs is too often neglected in our discussion of the medium. She explains how our bodies are central to our emotional engagement with photographs, which are themselves physical objects.

Verdi Yahooda has a longstanding concern with aspects of individual and cultural history through the re-presentation of objects and interior spaces. Yahooda migrated with her family from Aden to London in 1962 and the production of this work has involved her travelling between the Adenite communities in London and Israel. Investigating her own history and identity she has produced a series of portraits and documented the interiors of their houses.

Andrew Lee documents the interiors of call centres located in Scotland. The number of centres grew rapidly in the '90s in the UK but this phenomenon has peaked as the centres move to lower-waged economies. These images record a brief moment of employment history in Britain.

— The Editors