Special Guest Selection by:
Dagmar Seeland
UK Picture Editor at Stern
Overview: It has been an enjoyable and enriching experience to be given a glimpse of the near future of photography as expressed in this year's graduate works. I noted several tendencies: The decline in the use of found photography continues, whilst the use of and experimentation with traditional methods such as film and printing techniques appears to be as popular as ever. A large number of students are drawn to a personal and emotive style of storytelling which goes hand in hand with a similar tendency in publishing. I was also pleased to see so many works in the documentary/photojournalism category, much of which straddled two or more genres. This may be evidence of a greater flexibility in preparation for life as a photographer in a still very challenging professional environment. My choices are of course greatly influenced by my work as a photo editor: In any category I look for a clear concept or narrative and a confident, well thought-out execution that lets the work speak for itself. Where both are present, the written concept and the photography generally tend to be in tune.