Interviewed by Richard West
Location: Artist's home, Somerset
Date: June 2012

Trish Morrissey (Portrait by Pete Boyd)
Chapter 2:
(Chapter 2 of 13, Running Time: 00:10:50)
Chapter Index: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Chapter 2 Synopsis:
- Wasn't good at traditional art (painting and drawing) but did well at it.
- Has always liked reading still has three books on the go at once.
- Diane Arbus and cinema gave strongest artistic experiences at the time.
- Describes job at Independent archiving negatives and developing films.
- Was exciting but very macho environment to work in, treated like a little girl.
- Put herself through night school to study photography.
- Found course ridiculous in its technical emphasis.
- Initially thought she would become a photojournalist, didn't aspire to exhibit.
- Was incensed by sexist attitude to her photographic ambitions.
- Was a transitional period for print technology in the newspaper industry.
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